1. Ice Breakers
1. Chick
2. Chicken
3. Ducks
4. Elephants
Group 2. The last group to complete one of the games but.. emerged the overall champion.
3rd. group 3
2nd. group 2
1st to finish the first game. group 4
more icebreaker photos but i cant upload them all. If you want them, get them from me(:
2. Performance Night

Guitar 1

Hong Xiang and Clarence

Guitar 2

Mabel, Cheryl, Shawn

Yu Qian, Pei Yan, Shi Qi, Mabel

Mabel, Cheryl, Shawn

Guitar 3&4 collaborates..

Peiying and Heather

Guitar 4.

Carl and Eugene

Eugene playing "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas"

Headless Heather :X


3. Karaoke Party
teamwork does it all.
sorry this post came so late. cause i havent been able to upload these photos lately. but here they are now. haha. oh. and.. enjoy your holidays people. CHEERS(: