Hi JC1s!
Guitar Auditions are this Tuesday at 2pm. All interested JC1s, or all those who have already signed up on CCA day are to report to the Guitar Room. (Guitar Room is above the PE staff room at the J Block.) Those who have already taken the test do not need to attend.
Don't worry, and don't be nervous ; )
Orientation will be on this Wednesday. Time and venue will be announced later on.
1. Do I have to buy my own classical guitar for CCA?
Ans : It is not compulsory, although you are strongly advised to. Guitar Ensemble does have our own collection of guitars but they are not given out till around year end. Till then, it is good to have your own guitar to practice at home and in school with the ensemble. If you already have a classical guitar, then there is no need to purchase one.
2. Where can I buy the Guitar?
Ans : The CCA will be taking orders for guitars around next week. We will help order them, and all you have to do is pay up on time.
3. If I join Guitar Ensemble, will i get a lot of achievements?
Ans : Yes. Although the 2009/10 batch of students will not have the opportunity to perform in SYF, we still have many other events. Such events are our own Guitar Concerts (which are pretty big time), annual Guitar competitions so on and so forth. Also, we have many leadership positions in Guitar and you may get achievements from there as well.
4. Is it okay if i have no musical background/no guitar playing background?
Ans : It is perfectly fine. Even if you do not have musical background or guitar playing background, you can still join the CCA. All we ask for is a sincere heart and commitment towards the CCA.
5. Who will be teaching us how to play the guitar?
Ans : Guitar ensemble's own section leaders (your J2 Seniors) will be teaching the J1s how to play the guitar. Occasionally, if there is time, our CCA instructor will also teach everyone a few neat tricks on the guitar, or essential skills that you may need to know.
6. When are the practice days, and for how long?
Ans : Before the J1s take over the J2s in the Guitar Ensemble, practice days are Wednesdays and Fridays, usually around only 2-3 hours long. However, after the J2s have stepped down, CCA time for the new batch will be considerably longer. If there are concerts/important events coming up, CCA practices will definitely be longer and more frequent.
7. Is there any overseas programme for Guitar?
Ans : This is really optional. For our current batch, we have not considered organizing one. However, if the new J1 batch (future executive committee) feels like organizing one, they may approach the teacher-in-charge or our Guitar Instructor (Mr Choo) about it.
8. What will we be learning during Guitar lessons?
Ans : The seniors will be teaching everyone how to play the guitar from the basic levels. Everyone will be grouped according to their musical abilities and will be taught accordingly.
If you all have any more questions that you want to ask us, you can just leave a tag on the tagboard, or message us on tpjc.net. You can contact me Loh Pei Ying (08A05). (:
9. Will guitar affect my studies?
Ans: Irregardless of what CCA you join, it will always affect your studies to a certain extent. Most importantly, it differs from person to person. There are people who can join multiple CCAs and still cope well with their studies. Hence, it really boils down to your personal ability to balance your time and work. The best way to go around this is to treat guitar as your recreation time ; )
10. What are the auditions for?
Ans: The auditions are merely to see which students are genuinely interested and commited to the CCA, and who are not. However, the auditions are also largely for our sorting purposes. It is easier to teach the J1s according to their abilities. Such groups are those with no music background, those with music background, and those who can play guitar but cannot read music. So if you are really interested, fear not (: you will still be in our CCA.
11. Why is there no SYF for the J1s?
Ans: If you don't already know, SYF is only held on alternate years. The SYF year happens to fall on this year and hence, only the J2s have enough musical background to take part in it. SYF is in April. However, we are aware that there are a few J1s joining guitar who already have the musical background/guitar playing ability, and hence these students may join us for SYF if they are able to catch up.
12. Will there be any financial assistment for those who cannot afford a classical guitar?
Ans: As for now, we are not sure yet. However, we will check it out and let you know as soon as possible. (:
<3 Peiying