Hi Everyone,
We hope you like the files that arrived today (: It is the first TPJC GE file! so be proud of it, and take extreme care of it okay?
Now, let's talk about serious matters. Prepare yourselves, this is going to be a long post.
Today is the 18th of February. March 13th is our competition. News flash guys, time is running out in case you have not noticed. Only 9 more practices. We need to see greater leaps of improvements yeah?
We think many of you do not realize the seriousness and importance of the issue at hand. As today's practice has shown, TPJC GE is not ALWAYS gold with honours as we like to think. Sorry to disappoint all of you but, reality shows- we got to work a lot harder.
I think the ex-co has mentioned this numerous times before. What we get for the competition or for SYF (although still important) is not as important as the amount of effort that we can put in. In this sense, at least even if we get a lousy SYF grade, we know we did our best and enjoy the fulfillment of it. But right now, all of us are not giving our 100%. Yes, we are improving. But its a bit slow. We believe that all of us can do better!
Practicing for guitar, is more than just practicing at home. During CCA practices, you have to take note of these few important things that everyone seems to be constantly missing out on.
1) If it's not your turn to play, don't play. If you really want to, play super softly so that it doesn't disturb others. We are all guilty of this, but i think it's time to put a stop to it
2) Look up. LOOK UP. LOOOOOOOK (FREAKINGGG) UP!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T STRESS HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS! If we can't play together, it just reflect on the whole ensemble...
3) When a mistake is being amended, note it down, memorize it, and remember not to make the same mistake AGAIN.
4) Dynamics is important. There's a difference between playing a dead song and one that is emotion filled. Dynamics provides for that. We must have the right feeling for each song so it will sound right and natural!
5) Listen to what the ensemble is playing. Everyone needs to learn how to control your tempo and also, to play with your section and the ensemble. I know a lot of you practice a lot on your own at home. That doesn't mean that you will 100% play correctly during CCA practice. You may become too used to hearing yourself play you drown out the entire ensemble in your mind. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. MAKE AN EFFORT TO LISTEN.
6) Play with more confidence my dear fellow guitar mates. (cliche) Right now, we sound a bit confused. Play louder, with more projection, and confidence! Remember! Keeping of nails and making sure that they are in the best condition (proper shape) , can have better sound and it really helps in the overall sound produced.
7) Most importantly, pay ATTENTION. Pay attention to the conductor and comments given. Not only that, but also make sure you give your all during practices. Don't think that you do not matter. Maybe you can't play as well as other people around, but you are significant : )
At this point of time, it is okay to make mistakes. But, we have to really put it more effort and focus! It is not too late to do all these... Having the proper attitude is another thing that we should all take note! Don't be complacent! We still have a long way to go! Do you want to regret for not putting in enough effort and thus we are unable to attain our desired results? Do you want to be depressed while others are celebrating their good performance? Is that what you really want?
If that's not the case, then we have to work very hard to improve on our techniques and playing skills. We have to enjoy the music that we produce before we can touch others with our music. In order to that, I need all of you to take note the expression and the rhythm of that particular phase. And the most important thing, your mood when you are playing the song... You can't possibly play a happy song properly while feeling angry right?
Practices aside, let's leave TPJC GE with pleasant memories. Hell, we're really going to miss all this practice (no matter how excruciating it may be sometimes). TPJC GE is a big big family. Although we may be a little weaker in our ability to play, but we nothing short of FUN and ENTHUSIASM with each other. Every time we have practice, i feel immensely happy because of how optimistic we are. We have so much fun (: and we should keep that up too.
Know that we are all in this together. Every little effort amounts to something much greater. If our seniors could do it, so can we. I don't see why not. Don't let the limitations we have limit you. Barriers can be broken down. In our art subjects we learn that the Berlin wall did fall after all. In chemistry you know that bonds can be broken. Inspire yourself with something. Anything, as long as it gets you going!!
Studies : Please manage your time well. It's tough on all of us. A way to solve this problem is also to ask your Guitar friends for help if you need any! : D
Health: Get a lot of good rest. We can't play productively during CCA if 75% of us are feeling crappy and tired. So sleep more, drink more water and have a healthier diet. I'm not kidding. I sound like some PE teacher now but i don't care. Eat lots of fruits or drink fruit juice. Stay away from fast food as much as you can. Don't want you to get a cough or flu or fever or something else that could distract your ability to perform ; )
Everyone, seriously. Let's work hard now. Then in March Holidays, we can play twice as hard. Maybe we will have the mini party that Mr Choo suggested and relieve some stress. We can have many outings and what not. Just remember, you are not alone in this!!! : D A team always!
: D
By the way, here's something that happened.
With lots and lots of seriousness and love,