Congrats to the J1s who passed the auditions! ->
Mao Shuang a03
Janice a05
Yang Shan a09
Yu Chuan s01
JunJie s03
Gisella s03
Zoe s05
Hannah s08
Kellyn s08
Janice s09
An Qi s09
Beryl s09
Joy s15
Seng Kiet s16
Shi Ping s17
Yi Jie s20
Jean Ying s24
Timothy s25
Ivan s26
Jodi s27
Looking forward to having you guys in the CCA together! CCA Practice starts 1 Mar, 3PM at J202 (Classroom used for Auditions)
If you didnt make it pass the audition, dont fret over it, there's still a chance you'll be accepted into TPJCGE should you indicate it as your first-choice CCA.
Also, if you'd missed our auditions, there'll be another held this Friday (22 Feb) at J202 at 3 PM.