Monday, February 4, 2013

Calling out to all J1s!!

Hello J1s! 

Congrats for getting into TPJC! Hope you have enjoyed your orientation for the past few days! 

Soon, you will need to choose your CCA and hopefully join GUITAR ENSEMBLE. I assure you it will be a boring, stressful, fun and lively CCA to be in! 

Some important dates you might want to take note for our CCA:
7 Feb: Auditions for SYC* (for those ready to participate in SYC)
15 Feb: CCA exhibition (some pop song performances from us)
20 Feb: J1 Auditions (To join the CCA)

*SYC (Singapore Youth Celebration) is also know as SYF (Singapore Youth Festival) previously
Upcoming events for this year:
- 7th Guitar Ensemble Festival 
- May Concert
- June Camp


Q: When are the cca practices?
- Wednesday: 3pm-6.30pm
- Friday: 2.30pm-6pm

Q: Do I need to previously belong to a Guitar Ensemble? 
- Nope you don't!

For more details, you can contact Jeromy (President) @ 9793 5935 or Charles (Vice-President) @ ‪9046 1919‬! 

Hope to see you! (: